Saturday, August 18, 2007

its been a super long time.

alright. points forms. if you're a friend of mine,i bet u can read my mind.
saturday today.
1. Went to wild wild wet with cousins and sister:D
2.Had asuper great time:D with colleages and kins and guests.
3.wore my new ripcurl wetsuit. dumped my arens and wardi.

ok story goes..
the interesting plus painful part.
today i went www to play. so while we were playing,people were teasing each i am quite famous for being thrown down into pools,edwin and arens were trying to throw the float at me while they were doing duty. luckily there isn't many guests around or else they would neglect their life guard duties. so at the end of the day(theme park closes at 7pm btw) some guy jumped down from point 2 to swim(chase after me)..hmmi meant he actually dived down the 1.2m pool and swam towards me.oh that guy is my colleage by the way. so he sped one full round just to dump me.
ok then after he has accomplished his aim,i went off to have dinner with kins and realised that i've a cut on my finger. its damn pain i called up this guy and elisa to ask if they could bring me a plaster from the happened to be this guy who responded and gave me the plaster. so we met and i then realised that he have this huge bump on his head and it bled.quite worried though.thank god he didnt suffer from any concussion!

end of today's life story.

To chicken: if u read my blog while you're still have that swollen bump on your head,please go and see a doctor or something cause it might be quite serious.AND next time if u want to chase me and dump me in,PLEASE be aware of the possible dangers around you when u are doing it! ok! stupid wonder i want to write it in my blog.. no offence but really take good care of your bumpy. :D

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