Monday, February 11, 2008

hey!!!! so sorry everyone!

hahaha... to everyone out there! so sorry for keeping my blog damn mouldy for the past 2 months? haha... SORRY LAH! i was actually waiting to put up my pictures that i took in korea and in brunei! hahaha...sorry sorry...really very sorry.. but i guess you guys will all see those pictures later. korean pics are coming up soon but the ones that i took in brunei while i was having the outward bound brunei. oh.. yeah anyway.. it was terrible.personally i will suggest you to go brunei. i would rather go to aus instead. haha.. anyway also had LOADS of fun there. it was a good trip. can ask me if u have more enquires.HAHAHA.. ok to the korea part. IT WAS FUN !!!!! NEEDLESS TO SAY.. it was damn damn damn fun! LET ME REPEAT....... SUPER FUN! but u gotta know some korean if u wanna go with friends( if they do not know korean as well).
hey now... valentine's coming! i guess this song would most probably fit the lovely valentine's day:D