this mornign went to artbox to buy some graffiti like note book for my teacher mrs tan. she likes this kinda thing though. hahaha.. btw, teacher's day is coming! get somthing for them lah k. oh yeah, the goodie bag from nike plua human race was really good.quite a few stuff inside.then after that went home and headed straight to airport thereafter.was supposed to study though, i meant i did lah.. but not enough. shucks.. gotta drill more. my maths suck. please give me some supersonnic brain can? so that i can think better. i guess i'm just good at talking.. haha. jamine! u rock at talking lah.. seriously.. haha.. self praise for awhile. please dont feel disgusted okay. haha.. boosting my morale.
eh seriously, i kinda like the chicken soup series of books. that kind of books make u emo, as in in the positive way lah.. make u FEEL more. like to appreciate things around you. thats good thats good. makes me a more humane person.
eh i think i have a problem lah.. i've been eating way too much these days. dont dare to weigh myself. shucks. haha.. gotta exercise more after o's i guess. now i dont think i really care much about it, but this makes me feel worse. like guilty. tsk... so ironic. but seriously, not exercising these days feels wierd to me. AIYA.. JAMINE U GO DIE LAH. haha.. jokin. just try not to eat so much.
thanks to all of u guys for today. was entertaining and i felt happy but guilty cause i didnt study much. haha.. but anyway thanks k.and for all the dumb stories we shared. ass out man! woohoo!
thanks to:
shafiq(thanks for eating everything) you da man!